Monday, February 4, 2013

6 Figures Stream of Income From Blog

Did you know that your blog can make a lot of money? If this time you've ever made ​​and write a blog in paid or free blog, congratulations that you will have the potential to make a lot of money from your blog
Here are 6 ways to make money from a blog that has been tested for many years ago.

1.  As Publisher and Advertise The Third Party Ads
  • PPC (Pay Per Click) : We get commission from any blog visitors to click ads that we publish.  The most popular of PPC program are Google Adsense, Chitika, Bidvertiser etc.
  • PPM (Pay Per Million Impression) : This advertising does not pay for ads based on a visitor clicks but gives you a commission based on how many ads have been seen by visitors. Commissions are paid based on per 1000 views valued $ 1 - $ 10. The famous of this program is Tribal Fusion.
2.  Sell The Advertising Space

We can sell the ads space for advertise some banner or link for the other party.  Banner can be product link, affiliate program or other advertisement service.

3.  Writing Article

Writing articles to make money is called Paid Review. This program was booming some time ago. Basically we offer the service to make article of course with certain some requirements. If it has been agreed then we can write articles according to demand. Each article could be valued between $5 - $10,  even $500 or more for each article.  The popular the paid review program are and

4.  Selling Product

  • Sell your own product : you can sell anything you have as your online store product for example physical goods, script, software or e-book.
  • Selling affiliate product : you can advertise the affiliate program or product to sell online.  The affiliate service such as Clickbank, Amazon, Paydotcom etc.
  • Selling others product : here you can sell others product such as book, e-book, clothing, goods or something else.
5.  Selling Services

The fifth ways to make money from your blog is offering your service online, for example making sketch, web design, joint venture product etc.

6.  Selling Blog

Your blog can be sell with a lot of money depend on your popularity (blog flipping).  The famous blog can be valued as much as $100,000. Some things that affect the price of the blog are :
  • Domain name
  • Article content
  • High traffic or visitor
  • Page Rank and Alexa Rank
  • Blog Design

Happy blogging!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Free Download Real Player

RealPlayer is one of the software used to play streaming audio and video offline or online over the Internet.  This player support various video formats and audioThis player has many features like Video Recording, DVD Burning, LivePause & PerfectPlay, TurboPlayQuickTime MPEG-4, WINDOWS MEDIA, DVDs and has ability to download streaming audio and video from the Internet.

The inclusion of features of Mozilla-compatible plug-in, can watch and listen to video from a web browser without opening RealPlayer. Enjoy your favorite music and news sites with just one click.

Some of the main features of the RealPlayer is an online radio that can be heard less than 5,200 music stations around the world Also available is also turbo-play features that can improve the process so as to accelerate loading streaming video clips.
RealPlayer is the only FREE media player that allows you to download video from thousands of Web sites with only one click. You simply download your video – then you can share it on Facebook, Twitter or email for free. Download RealPlayer ** FREE **. This player not only for PC or laptop but also for your mobile phones or other devices.

Download RealPlayer for FREE

Sunday, October 14, 2012



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The ForexCopy system by InstaForex is an innovative service from InstaForex which the member enable to follow the successful Forex traders and professional Traders registered in ForexCopy and copying their trades online on a set ratio.

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Being a ForexCopy follower, you can copy trades carried out by successful traders having selected a preferred copy ratio and trading instruments.  The number of accounts to follow is unlimited.  Look at the real profile in screenshot below :



It is about 1 minute to fill an open account form:
  1. Open this ForexCopy home page HERE
  2. Open and fill the form of live trading account by clicking "Open Trading Account" below of that page
  3. Fill your Personal Data and Access (to generate password)
  4. About account types : Standard
  5. Trading Server Location : Hong Kong
  6. Leverage 1 : 1000
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Congratulation are you now registered as a forex trader in InstaForex !

  • Login to your Client Cabinet with your trading account number and password
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Google Panda Update and SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2

Related to the latest Google's algorithm update known as Panda, I think it is necessary to deliver several important information as follows:

As you know, Google Panda is intended to remove pages that are considered as low quality page from Google search.

"Improve it or remove it. With Google's Panda Update, low-quality content can impact an entire domain, but removing these pages - or moving Them to a different domain - can help your rankings, " says Google's Michael Wyszomierski.

Because of that reason, I don't recommend you to activate SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2's "Convert search terms into links to search page" feature.

This feature used to be a very good feature to increase indexed pages, but now it is better for you to not using it anymore. To make friend with Google Panda, always put high quality unique contents and strengthen On-Page SEO on the content page with the targeted keywords.

Some people even said that now, the most important thing is On-Page SEO, instead of backlink. For me, both are equally important, but I believe that On-Page SEO becomes way much more important than before Panda was updated.

As a guidance, you can review the criteria below:

  • Title: contains keyword, begins with keyword, contains at least 3 words, contains up to 66 characters
  • URL:Permalink contains your keyword
  • Meta tag: Description contains keyword, contains up to 160 characters, begins with keyword
  • Heading: H1 tag contains your keyword, H1 tag begins with keyword, H2 tag contains your keyword, H3 tag contains your keyword
  • Content: contains at least 300 words, has 2.0-5.5% keyword density, contains keyword in the first 50-100 words, contains at least one image with keyword in ALT
  • attribute, contains at least one bold keyword, contains at least one italicized keyword, contains at least one underlined keyword, contains keyword in anchor text of at least one external link, contains keyword in anchor text of at least one internal link, contains keyword in the last 50-100 words, the content should be easy to read. You can use this java software to test yourcontent readability score Keep the score at least at 60.
The above list is taken from Easy WP SEO plugin. You can use the Easy WP SEO pluginto check your article against the check list above automatically.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Send Large File by Email

Generally send an email is very easy just to create new email or compose, writing contents and send it to recipients email address with just one click. But how if we send an attachment with a large file size? Limitation of the maximum attachment file usually vary depend on email service provider between 2 MB to 25 MB.

If you use Outlook Express follow these steps:

  1. Run Outlook Express
  2. Click the Tools menu
  3. Select Accounts ...
  4. On the Mail tab select the account and then click Properties
  5. On the Advanced tab check the option of Sending
  6. Fill Break apart messages larger than by 100 KB
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Close

After all settings done properly try to create a new email and attach large files. By the time we send an email it will be divided into many emails in a small size, email will be sent easily and quickly.

How to open a large attachments file? If you did not get the inbox try to refresh the email by pressing the Send/Receive button, e-mail will then be automatically downloaded. Wait until the download is complete then a lot of email will be automatically combined.

You can also send large email through another ways such as Transfer Big Files, YouSendIt, SendThisFile, mesendit, fileapartment, tonsho, linkattach and so on.***

HP Pavilion DV5: Delivering Your Laptop Requirements

Laptops are generally portable computers. With laptops you can now take your work almost everywhere. Laptops nowadays are necessary for both workers and students. Because laptops are portable you can now maximize your productivity. You can carry your work everywhere. Switching to laptops from desktop computers is a wise choice.

With its portability you can maximize productivity. In getting a laptop you should always base it on your needs or what tasks you would mostly be doing in the laptop. The HP Pavilion DV5 series helps you to achieve that laptop which will truly work for your advantage. Hp DV5 laptops can be custom built as according to your specifications. You can decide on what Processor, OS, RAM, Hard Drive, etc. to put into your laptop.

If you have no idea what these things are, read on and get a basic understanding of how computers work. The Processor. Everything in your laptop is processed by your Processor. To have a better and faster laptop you should get a Processor that has a higher GHz or Giga Hertz capacity. This is the only important thing you have to remember about processors.

You have a number of choices in your laptop's Operating System or OS. Having the latest version of an OS is highly recommended. You can choose from Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, etc. Windows 7 is the latest OS available. The Operating system is the first program installed in all computers. With the OS installed in your laptop, you can add or install additional programs that you will need. Without the OS, your laptop or any other computer will not function.

The RAM or Random Access Memory stores currently accessed programs. Every time you open a program RAM is used. Graphics heavy programs and websites will use a lot of RAM as compared to text heavy programs. Laptops will hang or slow down if the total size of RAM is used up. So if you would be opening programs simultaneously especially graphics heavy, your laptop should have a bigger RAM.

The Hard Drive
stress everything in your laptop such as programs installed and files. If your work requires you to store files that contain heavy graphics then you should get a hard drive with higher storage capacity. If you expect to be working long hours outside your home, which is logically one of the reasons why you are getting a laptop, or if you would be working in places where you will not have access to an outlet where you can plug in your laptop, your battery should be able to sustain you for long hours.

To make sure that you have a battery with longer life check on its cells. The higher it is the longer is the battery life. A laptop that works best for you is now in your hands with the HP Pavilion DV5 series. You can now decide on what are the important features that should be given full attention to depending on the daily tasks you would be doing in your laptop. This is only made available on the HP Pavilion DV5 laptops. Be productive as much as you can with portable computers from HP Pavilion DV6 series . You can now build the laptop that will work best for your tasks. Buy your HP Pavilion DV4 laptop now.

Fix blank or white box on Windows 7 shortcuts

Like the screen shot above, the shortcuts does not look normally and not good for viewing. The reason is the database of the icon cache is corrupt or damaged. The solution is we have to reset or refresh or rebuild the database from these icons. Here are the steps to reset or rebuild the database icon.
  1. Open Windows Explorer and select Show hidden files option. In Windows Explorer window click Organize -> Folder and Search Options -> View tab, and select Show hidden files, folders and drives then "uncheck" Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).
  2. Go to the following folders:
C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\ where xxxxx is the user that you use to login.
  1. Find the file IconCache.db and delete that file
  2. Open Notepad and select File Menu -> Save As
  3. Give the name IconCache.db, file type -> All files
  4. Save to the location was the same with the original files that we have removed
  5. Right-click the file IconCache.db and set its file attributes to Read-Only
  6. Restart your computer
  7. After restart, remove the Read-Only attribute from files IconCache.db
  8. Done.